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{Overcoming Challenges}Fearful to Fearless Journal

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Journaling has a way of helping you understand the bigger picture. You are able to reflect and find inspiration to keep going no matter what happens.

Fear has a way of stopping you in your tracks. This leads you to feel blocked. Understand you have nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion. The only person you have to answer to is God.

Always believe in yourself no matter what.

You can do it!!!!!!

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Why is it important to overcome challenges? Hard times stimulate growth in a way that good times don't. Facing challenges and navigating one's way through them builds resilience capacity. Knowing that one can overcome obstacles, learn from struggles and benefit from mistakes lays a solid foundation for success in later life.

8.64 MB
100 pages
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{Overcoming Challenges}Fearful to Fearless Journal

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